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Bagel O's



Regular price $16.00
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Embark on a delightful journey of flavours with our Veggie Deluxe Sandwich at Bagel O's. This delectable creation is a celebration of vibrant and fresh ingredients, carefully layered to satisfy your cravings for a wholesome and delicious vegetarian option.

Imagine biting into a medley of roasted peppers, juicy tomatoes, tangy pickles, and zesty pickled onions. The combination of textures and tastes creates a harmonious symphony of flavours that will tantalize your taste buds.

To add a delightful creamy element, we layer provoletta cheese that melts beautifully, enveloping the vegetables in a blanket of rich and indulgent goodness. The addition of sprouts lends a refreshing crunch, while a touch of mustard brings a subtle tangy kick.

To further enhance the sandwich, we sprinkle it with grana padano, an exquisite Italian cheese that adds a delicate nutty flavour and a hint of complexity.


Ingredients: Roasted peppers, tomato, pickles, pickled onion, provoletta, sprouts, mustard, grana padano.

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